Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tweet This: Tune In Tonight For Robert Verdi's Eco-Chic Tweet Up!

For months now, you've seen me attending and writing about the Tweet-Ups that happen at Robert Verdi's Luxe Lab. This is an event that brings media and tastemakers from print and web together for fun, food and fabulous tips from Robert himself. They're not to be missed and they're full of great tips, funny anecdotes from the stylist, and are a great source of information about trends and new product launches.

Well, tonight, I'm giving you MY seat. Check out the link below for a video above with infomation on how you can watch the Tweet-Up LIVE on U-Stream tonight starting at 7 pm EDT. You can watch Robert give expert advice, ask questions directly of the man behind the events, and even get a chance to win some of the products featured!

Have fun and follow along via Robert's U-Stream feed and/or his Twitter account at @RobertVerdi. Tonight's event is in honor of Earth Day so it should be hilarious fun and full of planet-friendly fashion, beauty and style tips.

Check it out live on UStream

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