Monday, April 26, 2010

Cheap Thrill of the Day: Biore Makeup Removing Towelettes

How many times have you fallen asleep in your makeup? I don't care what your excuse is (all-night bender, late work night, kids, too busy..with..someone), it's a bad practice and nothing makes you look and feel more "ew" than waking up covered in day-old foundation and bleeding eye makeup.

Here's a solution to keep you from looking like the Blair Witch tomorrow morning: keep makeup removing towelettes on top of your nightstand and a trash can right underneath. Walk in, throw the clothes on the floor, put on pajamas, grab a towelette and wipe your face. Trust me, if you're wearing a lot of makeup, it doesn't matter how out of it you are: you won't be able to resist wiping until you can't see anything else on the towelettes. Here, take two. Dispose of them in the trash can. Slather on a little night treatment and call it a day.

Best of all, a package of these super-effective makeup remover towelettes from Biore cost around $7. That's worth it not to have that shocking experience in the bathroom mirror tomorrow morning, right? Yep, thought that might be the case. Get the towelettes, ladies.

Biore Makeup Removing Towelettes ($6.49), available at Target

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